Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Before the parades, turkey and football

Just wanted to encourage those during the upcoming holiday. Those who have struggles being with a family member due to an addiction, those who have recently lost a loved one, and those who struggle with loneliness. During the Thanksgiving holiday it can be a time to sit back and think about all we have to be thankful for, but it can also stir up some inner struggles.  Keep in mind we all have our own challenges. Some deal with them differently then others. They may not be how we would deal with certain stressors, however, that doesn't mean they are the wrong way. Some of us eat a little more, drink a little more, self medicate a little more and some may run a little more. The emotions that we thought were resolved can start to well up and overflow.  Those who have lost a loved one this past year may be experiencing the "first" Thanksgiving without that loved one. They can become depressed over the holiday. The individual that is alone can really have a hard time being thankful. Keep an eye out for those less fortunate than yourself. Not by financial standards but by the riches of family and friends who love us for who we are.  It can be so easy to get wrapped up in our own world that we will forget to be there for someone else who really needs a friend or a hug. Give others the understanding and acceptance that we all desire.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

What a cold morning!

Well, today we had the Strong Legs run at Turner Field. It was one of those mornings where you just wanted to stay in bed. I struggled on Friday if I was going to go. My husband was coming back into town after being gone a few days and my son was having two of his friend's sleep over. In my mind I wanted to cook a nice breakfast for all the guys and thought I really should just skip the run. The alarm went off at 5:40am, and I started to think...should I or shouldn't I?? Well, trying not to give in to anymore thinking, I just got out of bed....there, decision made. It was a cold morning like I said, but once the race was done and I got into my car to head home, I found myself smiling. Did I come in first? By all means NO!  I did do something for myself and that was needed. Funny thing, when I did make it home, my husband was cooking breakfast and I soon "took over", so I was able to do both things I wanted to accomplish today. :-) Usually life doesn't go that smoothly. We are bombarded with responsibility, deadlines, kids schedules. Nevermind squeezing in some time for our spouse! We can get overwhelmed easily with all of this. The key is finding what you need to make yourself able to fully give to others. I have learned that if I don't tend to my needs or doing something for myself occassionally, I am so empty and have nothing to give to others. This is a continual process for moms. My aunt once told me that your priority in life is to your family. So true! Keeping your mind, body and spirit filled or at least never letting them get totally depleted is a priority. I was under the belief that that sounded selfish, but as the years have shown me it is true.  Challenge of the day: Do one thing that will make you smile inside!

Relax, it's the weekend......

Have you ever had one of those Saturday mornings where the sun was shining, crisp breeze in the air and a hot cup of coffee in hand? I know they are far and few between, but I am so thankful for those mornings that seem to "just be perfect" Moment's like these in life may not happen very often. I know even when things are going smoothly and everything should be ok; my inner soul can have struggles. I have learned and am still learning that life has so many variables that fellow type A and OCD individuals :-0  can get overwhelmed with it all. My struggle to just be "in the moment" and enjoy the good times is an ongoing journey. Taking the time to slow down and take in the beauty of a simple day can be hard with all the stuff going on in the world. I remember a time when my son was about 4 years old. We entered the supermarket (rushed as usual) trying to get a few things at the last minute. I held his hand as we entered the store and flew by floral section. He kept saying mom...mom....after the third time, I finally stopped and asked him what he wanted. He turned and pointed to the flowers that were quite a few steps away by now, and said to me, "you didn't stop to smell the roses". WOW What an eye opener!....Over the years, I would purposefully stop at the floral section with him and smell the roses. It was a LOUD reminder that at times our children will remind us to slow down and enjoy life...out of the mouth of babes.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A new day

My desire in this blog is to discuss a few areas in life and to be an encouragement to others. So many times we feel overwhelmed with work, home, finances, children, and marriage. I am no expert on ANY of these...but I do have experience with them all. So hopefully I will be able to add some encouragement to your life and share a few tips to make it all a little easier to take. So many of us think that we need to have it all together and not ask for help. Other type A people understand where I am coming from. The idea of asking for help is the last thing we want to do...add being a mother into the mix, and then an Italian mom...forgettaboutit!!! Seriously, life can be a little challenging for us and with each season it has it's own trials. If you're a new mom with a few hours sleep evey night, in a marriage that may have gone a little routine, or an empty nester trying to figure out "what now"? ....we all have our own difficulties and need some encouragement. So lift up your eyes and know that we all have been there or will be there one time or another in our lives....it will get better! Remember the silverlinings in your life! Friends and family!!